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B2Believe in NYC

04 April 2024, 19:0005 April 2024, 00:30 UK Time

B2Believe is LinkedIn’s flagship B2B marketing event. Launched in San Francisco in November 2022, B2Believe is designed to revolutionize the landscape of B2B marketing through thought-provoking sessions and insightful discussions. 

This large-scale, in-person event serves as a catalyst for change, with LinkedIn leading the industry conversation on B2B marketing.

David Haigh, Chairman at Brand Finance, will be joining the programme to launch the Global Most Valuable B2B Brands Index 2024, the annual report on the most valuable and strongest business-to-business brands.

04 April 2024, 19:0005 April 2024, 00:30 UK Time
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David Haigh
Brand Finance

David is the Chairman of Brand Finance Plc – the world’s leading brand valuation consultancy. He has worked in the area of branded business, brand, and intangible asset valuation since 1991. He specialised entirely in the field after becoming the Director of Brand Valuation for Interbrand in 1995. He subsequently left Interbrand in 1996 to launch Brand Finance which is celebrating 25 years in business this year.

David represented the British Standards Institution in the working parties responsible for crafting international industry standards: ISO 10668 on Brand Valuation in 2010 and ISO 20671 on Brand Evaluation in 2019.

David is a passionate writer and has authored many articles on brand valuation, published in numerous marketing and finance newspapers and magazines, such as: Financial Times, Accountancy Age, and Marketing Week. He has also lectured on the topic of brand valuation for Harvard, Chicago, and London Business Schools.

David graduated from Bristol University with an English degree, qualified as a Chartered Accountant with Price Waterhouse in London, and obtained a postgraduate diploma in Marketing from the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM). He is a Fellow of The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) and has a practising certificate with the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW).


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The Shed, 545 W 30th St, New York, NY 10001, United States

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