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Brand Finance Brazil Forum 2023

06 June 2023, 12:30–16:30 UK Time

08.30 - 12.30 BRT

Each year, Brand Finance evaluates more than 5,000 of the world's biggest brands. The 50 most valuable and strongest Brazilian brands have been published in the Brand Finance Brazil report annually since 2013.

Brazil's top 100 brands show determination and resilience and should be celebrated. As a nation with enormously strong potential but a complex past, it is increasingly important that leading brands are recognized as ambassadors for the nation for their lasting contributions to society at large.

Delegates joined us at the Brand Finance Brazil Forum 2023 as we celebrated the strongest and most valuable Brazilian Brands, and shared insights into the results of this year's study.

06 June 2023, 12:30–16:30 UK Time
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The Escola de Administração de Empresas de São Paulo da Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV EAESP) (Fundação Getulio Vargas's São Paulo School of Business Administration) is a Brazilian private higher education institution founded in 1954.

Época Negócios

Época Negócios is the business and economy magazine of Editora Globo (a company belonging to Grupo Globo) which publishes more than a dozen titles, including Época and Galileu.

Launched in March 2007, the magazine is led by Sandra Boccia.

Época Negócios Website
FGV EAESP / Alumni

Fundação Getulio Vargas’s Sao Paulo School of Business Administration (FGV EAESP) was founded in 1954, thanks to the joint efforts of the Brazilian government and business community, in collaboration with Michigan State University, in order to train people to tackle the challenges Brazil was going through.

It was a period of fast growth, technological change, international contact and the emergence of new economic powers. In this context, the School played a fundamental role in preparing and updating Brazil’s managerial capacity, working to meet new demands for executive education and accompanying the phase of intense industrial development that was beginning.

Since then, FGV EAESP has enhanced itself continuously to meet the demands of the academic and business communities, creating and implementing new courses and services in many different sectors.

FGV EAESP / Alumni Website


Eduardo Chaves
Managing Director, Brazil
Brand Finance

Eduardo is Managing Director of Brand Finance in Brazil. He was the founder of Guarded Brands, and was a consultant for the companies Brand Analytics (Kantar - Millward Brown Vermeer) and Mercadotecnia.

Eduardo achieved a Masters and Doctorate in Organizational Administration from the University of São Paulo (FEARP/USP); Post-Doctorate in Business Administration from the São Paulo School of Business Administration of Fundação Getúlio Vargas (EAESP/FGV); Graduation in Accounting Sciences (Cruzeiro do Sul). He participated in the analysis and strategic development of several companies and brands, such as: Banco do Brasil, CELESC, Rede Santa Catarina, Stone, TeleCine, Porto, Embraer, Vale, Santander, Coca-Cola, Siemens AG, Associação Comercial de São Paulo - ACSP , Suzano Papel e Celulose, Passaredo, Renk Zanini, Brasfrigo (Jussara, Jurema, Tomatino), Limger, Locamerica, Let's Rent a Car, and others.

Eduardo is also a Professor at the University of São Paulo (USP/Esalq), Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV), and Fundação Instituto de Adm. (FIA), exclusively in postgraduate studies. He was a teacher at the following institutions: Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho - UNESP in the Professional Master's Degree, IFSP, FUNPEC in MBA in Branding, Fundação Hermínio Ometto (FHO/UNIARARAS), Faculdade Interativa COC (FIC/SEB S.A.), Faculdade de Orlândia (FAO) ), and others

Eduardo Chaves é Diretor Geral da Brand Finance no Brasil. Desde 2004 atua como consultor e pesquisador em marcas e marketing em diversos segmentos: bancos, educação, serviços financeiros, alimentos, transporte aéreo, serviços em geral, mineração, indústrias em geral, sendo bem ampla sua atuação no Brasil e na Amarica Latina. Foi consultor em marcas e marketing em duas empresas de consultoria representativas no Brasil, posteriormente abrindo sua própria empresa de consultoria. Integrar pesquisa de mercado, consultoria em marketing e marcas, e inovação em marketing é um processo poderoso de geração de valor que norteia as ações desse professional. 

Eduardo tem uma vasta experiência teórica e prática. Já publicou diversos artigos e livros na área de microeconomia, marketing, marcas, avaliação de marcas, brand equity, semiótica, sensações da marca, marca-país, avaliação financeira de marcas e empresas, retorno de ativos, avaliação de ativos intangíveis, etc. Toda sua formação acadêmica é voltada para avaliação de empresas e marcas; graduação, mestrado e doutorado (PhD) em negócios pela Universidade de São Paulo – USP e pós-doutorado em marketing na Fundação Getúlio Vargas – FGV. Ministra aulas de marketing e branding em programas de pós-graduação e graduação em diversas instituições de ensino de negócios no Brasil.

Trabalhou com empresas como Santander, AB InBev, Siemens, Coca-Cola, Vale, Brasfrigo, Suzano, Passaredo, SPC Boa Vista, Banco do Brasil, Limger, LocaAmerica, Let´s, e outras, Eduardo  compreende a necessidade do cliente e entrega resultados que realmente geram valor. Dentre as atividades que hoje desempenha na Brand Finance estão: pesquisas de marketing (quali e quanti), avaliação de negócios de marca, análise de contribuição da marca, valoração de marcas, avaliação de ativos intangíveis, auditorias de marca, pesquisa de mercado e análises associadas, inteligência de mercado, rastreamento de pontuação da marca, análise do retorno do investimento em marketing, consultoria de transição de marca, consultoria sobre governança de marca, arquitetura de marca e gerenciamento de portfólio, consultoria de posicionamento e extensão de marca, fusões e aquisições, financiamento e due diligence, assessoria em franchising e licenciamento, análise de preços de transferência e de taxas, relatórios e evidências de testemunhas especializadas, processo de inovação em marketing, além de projetos ad hoc e metodologias proprietárias.

Sergio Gordilho
Partner/ Co-President/ CCO
AFRICA Creative

Sergio Gordilho is a businessman and creative director. Gordilho is co-president and chief creative officer of Africa agency, one of the ten largest advertising agencies in Brazil and a partner of Grupo ABC, the largest communications holding company in Latin America.

In December 2002, Gordilho founded Africa, with partners Nizan Guanaes, Marcio Santoro, Luiz Fernando Vieira and Olivia Machado. According to 2014 statistics, Africa is the seventh largest advertising agency in Brazil and belongs to ABC Group, the largest communications holding company in Latin America.

Gordilho was named co-president of Agencia Africa, alongside Márcio Santoro in 2010. Under his leadership, the agency is responsible for the communication of brands such as Itaú, Brahma, Vivo, Procter  Gamble, Folha de S.Paulo

Under his leadership in the creative field, Africa won the Caboré award, a Brazilian communications industry award for Communication Agency in 2005 and 2012.

Gordilho was voted the most influential Creative Professional by the Association of Advertising Professionals in 2006.

Dr Francisco Saraiva Junior

Graduated, Master and Doctor in Business Administration from FGV-EAESP. Professor in the Marketing department at FGV/SP since 2006 in postgraduate and undergraduate courses for the disciplines of Branding, Social Media and Services Marketing. Professor of undergraduate and specialization courses. Professor of the FGV Retail MBA and in-company courses for companies such as: Via Varejo, Renner, TAM Linhas Aéreas, Banco Bradesco, Banco Itaú, among others. Specialties: Branding, social media and banking

Gustavo Oliveira
Vice President, Marketing & Communications
Clube de Regatas do Flamengo

Vice President, Marketing & Communications - Clube de Regatas do Flamengo

Eduardo Schaeffer
Globo Ventures
Eduardo Tracanella
Marketing Director
Itaú Unibanco

Eduardo Tracanella, associate director of Itaú Unibanco, is responsible for the bank's brand strategy, institutional, wholesale and global marketing. Tracanella also leads the bank's advertising, sponsorship, events, social networks and institutional content projects. In 2014, he won the Caboré award, as "Marketing Professional of the Year". Also in 2014, he was elected "Best Communication Professional" by the Brazilian Advertising Association. In 2015, he received the "Professional Contribution Award" for his leadership in the development of the advertising market in the country. In 2016, he was elected the "Most Innovative Marketing Professional in Latin America" ​​by Ad Latina. In 2017, in a survey carried out by the Spanish consultancy Merco and published by Exame magazine, he was named one of the 100 business leaders with the best reputation in Brazil.

In 2016 and 2018, in a biennial study by the Spanish consultancy Scopen, he was highlighted by the Brazilian market as "Most Admired Marketing Professional". of the Todos Pela Saúde movement, which aims to act to mitigate the effects of Covid-19.

Clayton Caetano
Head of Branding and Design
Itaú Unibanco
Antonio Guerardi
Executive Director for Marketing & Customer Experience

Antonio has been working for 5 years as CMO and presently as Executive Director of Marketing and Customer Experience at Grupo Unidas, with 14 years of experience in B2B and B2C , Technology, Customer Experience, Vehicle Rental and Sales.

He leads the positioning of the Unidas Brand, strengthening of digital channels, automation and bot projects, technological initiatives, creation of Data intelligence, BI and Digital Indicators and M&A projects.



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EAESP/FGV – São Paulo, Av. 9 de julho, n2029, Edifício John F. Kennedy - Bela Vista, São Paulo - SP, 01313-902

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