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Brand Finance Institute Webinar - Undisclosed: The Balance Sheet vs Reality

03 June 2020, 14:00–15:00 UK Time

Since the IASB introduced IFRS 3: Business Combinations in 2004, companies have been required to identify the value of specific intangible asset values within the businesses they acquire. With the rise of digital technology and big data, the role of intangible assets has evolved.

A significant share of global intangible assets is not disclosed on balance sheets, and what is disclosed is of little informational value to investors, as heavy emphasis remains on goodwill rather than specific individual intangibles.

The Brand Finance Global Intangible Finance Tracker (GIFT™) is an annual monitor of the value of global intangible assets, both reported and undisclosed.

We invited delegates to join our interactive online discussion which explored the findings of the study as well as discuss the current issues surrounding intangible asset reporting and how both investors and management can gain from a better understanding of intangible assets.

Annie Brown, Senior Consultant at Brand Finance and Savio D'Souza, Valuation Director at Brand Finance hosted the event: 'Undisclosed: The Balance Sheet vs Reality'.

The full webinar recording is available to view here:

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The Brand Finance Institute, as the educational division of Brand Finance, is committed to addressing the theoretical and practical issues surrounding brands. The BFI´s purpose is to create and foster an environment for knowledge-sharing and networking among practitioners and experts in the market. In order to do so, we secured a team of experienced industry professionals and developed a wide range of programmes and certifications in collaboration with the most coveted business schools and universities.

03 June 2020, 14:00–15:00 UK Time
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Savio D’Souza
Valuation Director
Brand Finance

Savio is an Associate Director at Brand Finance. Whilst at Brand Finance, Savio has worked on a number of national and international projects in Airlines, Technology Media & Technology (TMT). Savio also has experience in assignments for technical purposes including, tax and transfer pricing, legal disputes and business combinations. Recently Savio has been a key member for projects for clients such as; Truphone, Vodafone, Heathrow, and Turkish Airlines.Due to the nature of the projects to which he has been involved, Savio has helped devise and recommend strategies to clients so that they were able to utilise the potential of their brand. This advice could range from how best to license and franchise the brand to alterations in the Brand architecture and portfolio management.Savio has a MEng degree in Electrical & Electronic Engineering with Management from Imperial College London and qualified as a Chartered Accountant with Brand Finance. Prior to Brand Finance he had spells at  Ernst & Young and one of the largest Oil Services Companies.

Annie Brown
General Manager
Brand Finance

Annie is a qualified management accountant and has worked on Brand and Business valuation projects serving global clients, including Barclays and Shell. She is experienced across of variety of services including brand licensing, research analytics, rebrand uplift and balance sheet valuation. Annie heads up various studies at Brand Finance, including the annual Global Intangible Finance Tracker (GIFT™) and the Brand Guardianship Index. In addition, Annie has conducted research and analysis for the Brand Finance brand rankings, specialising in Banking, Retail and Oil & Gas sectors. Annie has served clients worldwide, with a particular focus on the USA and the Middle East. Annie joined Brand Finance as an Analyst in August 2017 after graduating from The University of Edinburgh with a Masters degree in Philosophy and Economics. She has since completed her CIMA professional qualification.


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