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Brand Finance Spain Forum: How is Brand Reputation Bringing Value to Spanish Businesses?

10 April 2019, 09:00–12:00 UK Time

El encuentro organizado por Brand Finance España donde se presentará el ranking de las 100 marcas españolas más valiosas, se centrará en como atrae la reputación de la marca valor a las empresas españolas. Analizaremos y compartiremos perspectivas sobre las diferencias entre marcas de varios sectores y estudiaremos nuestras marcas y las de otros países.

Durante la crisis, nuestras empresas perdieron mucho más valor en nuestro país que las de otros países en otros entornos. Ahora, en nuestro ranking top 100, nuestras marcas están claramente resurgiendo.

Nuestra investigación demuestra que aquellos negocios que mantienen unas marcas fuertes y las usan de manera efectiva sobreviven mucho mejor a los ciclos económicos negativos aprovechando exponencialmente mejor los ciclos positivos.

Esto es posible debido a que dichas empresas son capaces de generar valor de las percepciones del mercado, o dicho de otra manera: “ de la reputación de marca”

La reputación de marca impacta en el negocio:

  • Incrementa el numero de clientes
  • Aumenta la lealtad de los clientes existentes
  • Facilita la venta cruzada 
  • Reduce los costes de financiación o de proveedores
  • Mejora la adquisición y retención de talento

Estudiaremos casos de éxito en la medición y aprovechamiento de los efectos de las marcas y en particular, como las marcas españolas se han convertido en las marcas que más rápido han crecido y se han convertido en las más exitosas.


The Brand Finance Spain Forum will ask the question How is Brand Reputation Bringing Value to Spanish Business? We shall present the results of our annual brand valuation study into Spain’s most valuable brands and share perspectives on the differences between brands across a variety of sectors and compare Spanish brands to those from the rest of the world. 

At the time of the Great Recession, Spanish businesses were hit hard and lost more value than most countries. Now, in our new 100 Most Valuable Spanish brands report, the country's brands are truly resurgent. Our latest research has shown that those businesses that maintain strong brands and use them effectively are able to weather economic storms better and outperform in the good times. They do this because of the many ways they create value through the perceptions that people hold of them, otherwise known as their “Brand Reputation”.

Brand reputation impacts businesses in a number of ways, such as:

by increasing the number of new customers,
by keeping those customers loyal,
by encouraging cross-selling of services,  
by cutting supplier and finance costs and
by improving employee acquisition and retention.
We will be exploring best practice in measuring and harnessing the brands' effects and, in particular, how Spanish brands have become some of the fastest growing and most successful in this year’s Brand Finance brand valuation study.


09:00 Registro




Apertura y presentación del informe Las 100 marcas españolas más valiosas

Teresa de Lemus, MD, Brand Finance España



'How Brands Bring Value to Businesses' (Ponencia en inglés)   

Alex Haigh, Director de Calidad Técnica, Brand Finance España



'De Marca Local a Marca Global'

Fernando Garrido, Director de Marca y Reputación, Mapfre



'Transformando Percepciones'

Gemma Jucá, Directora de Marketing & Marca, Iberia



'Construir Marcas Relevantes'

Mónica Villar, Directora de Comunicación, PR y RRSS, NH Hoteles




'El Caso Gestamp, Construyendo Reputación en Nuevos frentes'

Miguel López Quesada, Director Corporativo de Comunicación y RRII,




'El mundo, Nuestro Terreno de Juego'

Enrique Moreno, Director de Marca Global, LaLiga

11:00 Pausa Café











“Qué Valor Tiene la Reputación de la Marca para las Empresas Más Valiosas de España”


Estela Santos, Redactora Jefe, Expansión


David Haigh, CEO y Fundador, Brand Finance

Fernando Garrido, Director de Marca y Reputación, Mapfre

Gemma Juncá, Directora de Marketing & Marca, Iberia

Mónica Villar, Directora de Comunicación, PR y RRSS, NH Hoteles

Miguel López Quesada, Director Corporativo de comunicación y RRII, Gestamp

Enrique Moreno, Director de Marca Global, LaLiga




Dña. Irene Lozano, Secretaria de Estado de la España Global, Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores



 Despedida y Cierre de la Jornada

Hilario Alfaro, Presidente, Foro Madrid Empresarial



10 April 2019, 09:00–12:00 UK Time
to be notified of future events
In association with
Madrid Foro Empresarial
Madrid Foro Empresarial Website


Miguel Lopez Quesada
Dir. Corporativo de Comunicación y RRII
Enrique Moreno
Dir. de Marca Global
Irene Lozano
Secretaria de Estado España Global
Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores
Gemma Juncá
Dirª de Marketing y Marca
Monica Villar
Dirª de Comunicación, PR y RRSS
NH Hoteles
Estela S. Mazo
Redactora Jefe
Hilario Alfaro
Madrid Foro Empresarial
Teresa de Lemus
Managing Director

Teresa se incorporó a Brand Finance como Managing Director para Brand Finance España. Es Licenciada por la Universidad Pontificia de Comillas (ICADE, Madrid). Teresa además cursó el MBA del IE y un postgrado en Marketing Digital en el Instituto Superior para el Desarrollo en Internet (ISDI). Teresa consiguió la beca “Goya Leonardo” para jóvenes profesionales que la llevo a comenzar su carrera profesional en Bruselas. Allí trabajó en diferentes lobbies y agencias de PR como the European Advertising Standards Alliance (EASA), la Asociación Europea de Radios ( AER) - ambas relativas a la autorregulación de medios de comunicación y publicidad - o en la Representación de la Comunidad de Madrid frente a la UE. Teresa posteriormente enfocó su carrera en despachos de abogadoscomo directora de marketing y desarrollo de negocio para España. Con más de 10 años de experiencia, está especializada en marketing y desarrollo de negocio de servicios intangibles B2B. Teresa habla español, inglés y francés.

Teresa de Lemus is Managing Director for Brand Finance Spain. She has a degree from Universidad Pontificia de Comillas, (ICADE Madrid) and an MBA from IE. She is also a member of the Digital Business Executive Program in Instituto Superior para el Desarrollo en Internet (ISDI). Teresa won the “Goya Leonardo Scholarship” for young professionals, which led her to Brussels to start her professional career. Since then, she has worked for many lobbies, such as the European Advertising Standards Alliance (EASA) and Madrid’s representation towards the European Union. She has also worked for top tier Spanish law firms as National Marketing and Business Development Director for Spain. With over 10 years of experience, she specialises in marketing and business development of B2B intangible services. Teresa is also fluent in Spanish, English and French.

Fernando Garrido
Dir. de Marca y Reputación
Alex Haigh
Managing Director
Brand Finance, Asia Pacific

Alex is an all-rounder on all areas of valuation and quantitative market research but is a technical specialist in the assessment on the return on investment of different brand architecture and brand positioning options. Much of this experience has focused on identifying the brand structures, media investment, media mix and distribution channel management needed to minimise risk and maximise opportunity from any brand changes.

His other area of expertise is the use of market research and brand valuation for licensing strategy and transfer pricing having helped to set up brand licensing teams and structures with many clients.

He is a Chartered Accountant, Chartered Tax adviser and has completed the Advance Diploma in International Tax, with a specialisation in Transfer Pricing. He holds a dual degree in Economics and Environmental Policy from the London School of Economics and has completed training in Data Analysis and Marketing Strategy. He has worked internationally across all continents and in most sectors and now manages Brand Finance's teams and client work across Asia and Australasia.

David Haigh
Brand Finance

David is the Chairman of Brand Finance Plc – the world’s leading brand valuation consultancy. He has worked in the area of branded business, brand, and intangible asset valuation since 1991. He specialised entirely in the field after becoming the Director of Brand Valuation for Interbrand in 1995. He subsequently left Interbrand in 1996 to launch Brand Finance which is celebrating 25 years in business this year.

David represented the British Standards Institution in the working parties responsible for crafting international industry standards: ISO 10668 on Brand Valuation in 2010 and ISO 20671 on Brand Evaluation in 2019.

David is a passionate writer and has authored many articles on brand valuation, published in numerous marketing and finance newspapers and magazines, such as: Financial Times, Accountancy Age, and Marketing Week. He has also lectured on the topic of brand valuation for Harvard, Chicago, and London Business Schools.

David graduated from Bristol University with an English degree, qualified as a Chartered Accountant with Price Waterhouse in London, and obtained a postgraduate diploma in Marketing from the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM). He is a Fellow of The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) and has a practising certificate with the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW).


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Palacio de Santoña, Cámara de comercio, 28012 Madrid, Spain

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