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IAA Africa Rising Leadership Conference

28 September 2021, 10:45–11:15 UK Time

Brand Finance partnered up with the IAA for the 4th Africa Rising Leadership Conference which brought the African continent together on a stage to celebrate the many successes of brands in Africa.

Featuring some of the most skilled speakers and panelists from Africa and the world, the conference showcased the thought-leadership and insights across the continent and dial the significance of Brands as The Engine of Economic Revival in Africa.

Declan Ahern, Director at Brand Finance joined the programme to participate in the discussions, as well as present the findings of the Brand Finance Africa 150™ 2021 study into the strongest and most valuable African brands.

Watch a full recording of the presentation here.

28 September 2021, 10:45–11:15 UK Time
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In association with
International Advertising Association

The International Advertising Association is a global association that represents all areas of the marketing and communications industry.

The IAA has established itself as the "global compass" of the MARCOM industry. With our global influence, vast network, and grass roots operations, the IAA is the natural resource for the issues that confront today’s demanding and fast-changing business environment.

The IAA has established itself as the "global compass" of the MARCOM industry. With our global influence, vast network, and grass roots operations, the IAA is the natural resource for the issues that confront today’s demanding and fast-changing business environment.

International Advertising Association Website


Declan Ahern
Brand Finance

Declan joined Brand Finance in 2016 as an Analyst. During his time at the company he has progressed to his current role as a Valuations Director at Brand Finance Plc and a Director of Brand Finance Africa.

Declan leads Brand Finance in Financial Services, with particularly focus on the banking sector. Declan leads the team that produces the annual Most Valuable Global Banking Brands study in collaboration with The Banker magazine (the FT). He has both written and contributed to various industry thought leadership and academic papers, and is regular speaker at various conferences such as the IAA Africa Rising conference.

Declan has extensive experience in market research, brand and business valuation, brand strategy and positioning, sponsorship evaluation and brand architecture. Declan's clients include ABSA, Access Bank, Citi Bank, TD Bank, First National Bank, Royal Bank of Canada, QNB among others.

Declan is a qualified Chartered Accountant with the Institute of Chartered Accountants of England Wales, having previously studied at the University of Cape Town in South Africa graduating with a Bachelor of Business Science in Finance with Economics.



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