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Trademark Protection - How to Get the Most Out of Your Brands

19 May 2021, 13:00–14:30 UK Time

Brands are valuable. A strong brand creates trust, binds customers and sets itself apart from the competition. Nevertheless, start-ups and medium-sized companies in particular often do not know exactly how much their brand is actually worth and, above all, how they can successfully protect their brand.

Brand Finance partnered up with IP Consultancy, Meissner Bolte for an online webinar to address questions about brand protection and valuation in order for organisations to get the most out of their brand.

Brand experts at Meissner Bolte, Gernot Schröer and Markus Mainx explored how companies should legally protect their brand (s), why this is important and what to pay attention to in practice.

Ulf-Brün Drechsel from Brand Finance provided an overview of what is important when evaluating brands, how their value is determined and what advantages brand evaluation and ongoing brand value monitoring can have for your company.

Ulf-Brün also announced the findings of the Brand Finance 2021 study into the 100 most valuable German brands.

The webinar (delivered in German) was aimed at professionals in the field of marketing and branding, but also at entrepreneurs and employees from branding departments.

Click here for more information.


13.00 - 13.30 BSTHow to proect your brand successfully
Gernot Schröer and Markus Mainx, Meissner Bolte
13.30 - 14.30 BSTWhy it is important to rate brands
Ulf-Brün Drechsel, Brand Finance
19 May 2021, 13:00–14:30 UK Time
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In association with
Meissner Bolte

Meissner Bolte offers full service protection of industrial property rights for innovative companies at home and abroad.

Meissner Bolte Website


Ulf-Brün Drechsel
Managing Director

Ulf-Brün has over 30 years of international experience in media, marcom, advertising, brand identity, and management consulting to add to his most recent role as Country Manager D-A-CH and Executive Consultant at Brand Finance, located in Germany.

Brands have always been Ulf-Brün’s passion and profession. After returning to Germany from Venezuela, he started his career in 1984 with the leading German marketing agency Team/BBDO. He got relocated to the Chicago office to coordinate the European brand advertising for the Wm. Wrigley Jr. Co. out of Wrigley´s HQ. Back in Germany he worked for other famous international advertising agencies Saatchi & Saatchi, JWT and Scholz&Friends. In 1996, Ulf-Brün shifted from brand advertising into brand identity consultation and became the founding Managing Director of Landor Associates Identity Consultants and Designers in Hamburg (1996-2002) and Vienna (2000-2002) where he built up the two offices from scratch to a top five position in Germany and Austria. After leaving WPP, Ulf-Brün invested in 2002 into various firms, like BrandMerchand GmbH where he became MD and Chief Executive Consultant in 2004. In 2007 Ulf-Brün got assigned by TBWA to establish as MD the "The Disruption Consultancy" in Germany. As a result of cross-over business growth he also opened a branch in Hamburg for another Omnicom LoB, the New York based strategic branding firm Siegel+Gale, where he held the position as Executive Director EMEA.

As a cosmopolitan, Ulf-Brün has lived and worked in his career for several years in Caracas, Chicago, Budapest, Vienna, and Doha.

In association with

Meissner Bolte

Meissner Bolte offers full service protection of industrial property rights for innovative companies at home and abroad.

Meissner Bolte Website


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Events at Meissner Bolte

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