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Sinopec: “Clean Energy and Beautiful Life”

Brand Finance
23 May 2023

Sinopec is the largest oil and petrochemical products supplier and the second largest oil and gas producer in China. It is also the largest refining company and the second largest chemical company in the world. Over the past 40 years since its establishment, Sinopec has always placed important emphasis on brand-building, vigorously carrying out its brand promise of “clean energy and beautiful life” as it plans to promote the brand from every aspect and make every effort to build a world-famous Chinese brand. According to Brand Finance’s Global 500 2023 report, Sinopec ranks 68th in the world with a brand value of $27.15 billion.

As an integrated energy and chemical company and a leader in the United Nations Global Compact, Sinopec integrates ESG into its development strategy and production management – refining a number of governance systems, constructing and operating the world’s largest number of hydrogenation stations, completing and putting into production the world’s first million-tonne CCUS project, ensuring optimal supplies of petroleum and petrochemical products, empowering the Beijing Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games, continuously carrying out social welfare projects such as “Sinopec Lifeline Express” and “Love Station” and crossing new frontiers in its endeavours.

Sinopec is firmly committed to its new mission of “building Sinopec into a company that strategically supports the country, guarantees the livelihood of the people, and spiritually appeals to the masses” – fully leveraging integration, market, brand, technology and talents in the whole industry ecosystem. It will aim to become a world-leading energy and chemical brand that constantly meets the growing needs of a people striving towards a better life. This mission will drive the company towards becoming an important force in supporting China’s development and highlights Sinopec’s responsibility of being a vital national pillar.

中国石化是中国最大的成品油和石化产品供应商、第二 大油气生产商,是世界第一大炼油公司、第二大化工公 司。成立40年来,中国石化始终把品牌建设摆在重要位 置,大力践行“能源至净、生活至美”品牌承诺,全领 域谋划、全方位推进,全力打造享誉全球的中国品牌。 根据Brand Finance发布的《2023年全球品牌价值500 强榜单,中国石化品牌价值271.45亿美元,位居全球 第68位。

作为一体化能源化工公司和联合国全球契约领跑企业, 中国石化将 ESG 融入发展战略和生产经营:修订多项 治理制度、建设和运营加氢站数量居全球首位、建成投 产国内首个百万吨级 CCUS示范项目、全力保障石油石化产品供应、服务北京冬奥会和冬残奥会工作、持续开 展“健康快车”“爱心驿站”等社会公益项目,全力推 动各项工作迈上新台阶。

中国石化将聚焦坚决扛稳“打造具有强大战略支撑力、 强大民生保障力、强大精神感召力的中国石化”新使 命,充分发挥全产业链一体化优势、市场优势、品牌优 势、技术优势、人才优势,打造立得住、传得开、叫得 响的世界领先能源化工品牌,不断满足人民日益增长的 美好生活需要,成为推动国家高质量发展的重要力量, 彰显“大国重器”的责任担当。

About the Author

Brand Finance is the world’s leading independent brand valuation and strategy consultancy. Headquartered in the City of London, we are present in over 20 countries.

For almost 30 years we have helped companies and organisations of all types to connect their brands to the bottom line.
