Brand Finance will once again be attending the World Economic Forum at Davos in January 2025.
Our team will be hosting a series of events in partnership with our global sponsors to launch our most anticipated annual reports.
9.00 - 10.00 CET - Global 500 2025 Launch: Debunking the myth of CFO and CMO opposition, in association with Infosys.
Promenade 91 - Infosys Lounge, Panasia Gallery
TBC - IT Services 25 2025 Launch, in association with HCLTech
Promenade 66 - HCL Tech Pavillion
Davos Priority: Industries in the intelligent age
15.00 - 16.30 CET - Brand Guardianship Index 2025 Launch: Purpose, People, Progress - The Vital Role of Brand Guardians, in association with TCS
TCS Panorama Executive Lounge, The Session Room, Promenade 80, Davos
Davos Priority: Investing in People
14.00 - 14.45 CET - Sunrise in the East: The Rise of China's Soft Power
Kurgartenstrasse 1 - UAE Pavillion