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New data: What employees in 16 countries say makes them join a company
As companies compete to win the war for talent, Brand Finance reveals which brands are considered the best employers and why 6 th June 2024, London – Employee priorities when considering accepting a job at a company are often the … read more
Michelin bleibt die stärkste und wertvollste Reifenmarke der Welt
Neuer Markenwert Report von Brand Finance erweitert das Reifenmarken Ranking auf die Top 25 Bridgestone und Continental Tire folgen auf den Plätzen 2 und 3 Deutlich mehr Grip zeigen in diesem Jahr die Chinesischen Reifenmarken, sie wachsen weltweit am schnellsten … read more
Michelin maintains reign as the world's most valuable and strongest tyre brand for seventh year
New report from Brand Finance reveals that nearly half of the fastest-growing tyre brands globally are Chinese Michelin retains the title of the world’s most valuable and strongest tyre brand with stable performance Bridgestone and Continental Tires round off podium … read more
La sostenibilidad impulsa el crecimiento de marcas españolas: Zara, Santander y Mercadona a la cabeza
Santander, €17,6 mil millones, mantiene su liderazgo como la marca más valiosa de España por decimotercer año consecutivo. Zara y su ascenso meteórico: un 43% de aumento en su valor de marca. BBVA, Mahou y Barceló son las marcas más … read more
Sherwin-Williams on a roll as world’s most valuable paints brand for 3rd consecutive year
For the third year running, US-based Sherwin-Williams (brand value up marginally to USD7.6 billion) remains in first place as the most valuable paints brand ranked, according to a new report by Brand Finance, the world’s leading brand valuation consultancy. … read more
BASF Continues to React as the Most Valuable Chemicals Brand for a Decade
BASF has been named the most valuable chemicals brand for the tenth consecutive year, according to a new report by Brand Finance, the world’s leading brand valuation consultancy. BASF's brand value has increased by 11% to USD9.2 billion, reinforcing its dominant position in the industry and showcasing remarkable stability and leadership in the global chemicals sector. … read more
PIF and BlackRock crowned world’s most valuable sovereign wealth fund and asset management brands
Brand Finance launches world’s first global ranking of brand strength and brand value of asset managers and sovereign wealth funds   American asset managers dominate, with BlackRock, JP Morgan Asset Management, and Vanguard among top five strongest and most valuable … read more
MTN Retains Top Spot as Africa’s Most Valuable Brand Amidst Global Expansion
MTN, the telecommunications giant, has maintained its position as the continent's most valuable brand despite an 18% decline in brand value to USD3.6 billion, according to a new report from Brand Finance, the world's leading brand valuation consultancy. This valuation underscores MTN's robust market presence and sustained brand equity, bolstered by a significant user base and revenue growth in Nigeria, which is now its largest market after surpassing South Africa. … read more
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Brand Finance
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Brand Finance
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Marketing Director - Asia Pacific
Brand Finance

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