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Press Releases

Berlin is Germany’s highest ranking city, rich in culture and familiarity
With a score of 84.6/100, London tops the inaugural Brand Finance City Index, based on a global survey of 15,000 New York and Paris are close behind in 2 nd and 3 rd among 100 cities in the ranking Germany’s … read more
Zurich earns top 20 spot in new global City Index, Geneva and Vienna follow close behind
With a score of 84.6/100, London tops the inaugural Brand Finance City Index, based on a global survey of 15,000 New York and Paris are close behind in 2nd and 3rd among 100 cities in the ranking Zurich (17 th … read more
New Delhi clinches title as India’s top city with Bangalore and Mumbai following closely behind
With a score of 84.6/100, London tops the inaugural Brand Finance City Index, based on a global survey of 15,000 New York and Paris are close behind in 2nd and 3rd among 100 cities in the ranking New Delhi is … read more
Estas son las marcas que están contribuyendo más a la economía de España según Brand Finance
Las principales marcas españolas suman en su conjunto 116.847 millones de euros, un 8% superior al valor que sumaban en 2022 pero sin superar aún el valor que poseían antes de la pandemia (118,2 mil millones de euros en 2020). … read more
Fincantieri brand value grow twice as fast as the top 100 Italian most valuable brands
"The brand rating upgrade (AA) and the robust growth in Brand Value (+22%) are testament not only to Fincantieri's brand excellence in Italy and globally, but also to the brand's great future prospects as it looks to innovation, best-in-class governance and sustainability to keep nurturing its growth." … read more
Il valore monetario del brand Fincantieri cresce a velocità doppia rispetto ai top 100 brand italiani
Fincantieri tra i top brand italiani della Brand Finance Italy 100 2023 Il marchio Fincantieri con un valore pari a 736 milioni di euro grazie ad una crescita del 22% sale al 57° posto Con un brand rating AA molto … read more
Gucci vale 17 miliardi di euro e si conferma il brand italiano di maggiore valore Con una crescita del 149% Lamborghini è il brand italiano il cui valore cresce di più Con un punteggio pari a 91/100 Ferrari è il brand … read more
Brand Finance finds the Monarchy will deliver a £958 million economic benefit to the UK this year
A new and updated cost-benefit analysis conducted by Brand Finance reveals that the Royal Family continues to make a positive financial impact on the United Kingdom’s economy, despite costs rising and benefits declining. … read more
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Penny Erricker
Senior Communications Executive
Brand Finance
Florina Cormack-Loyd
Communications Director - North America
Brand Finance
Gayathri Saravana Kumar
Marketing Director - Asia Pacific
Brand Finance

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