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La banca española ocupa la 7º posición entre los entidades más valorados del mundo según el ranking
Para descargar el informe, visite el link España forma parte del Top 10 de los países con mayor fortaleza de sector bancario y genera el 3% del valor de marca mundial del sector bancario. Un mercado dominado por el valor … read more
China’s Banks Continue to Consolidate Global Brand Presence
Led by ICBC as the world’s most valuable banking brand (US$79.8 billion), China’s banks dominate top four spots of the Brand Finance Banking 500 2019 ranking Chinese banks grow 28%, achieving US$407 billion in total brand value, over US$100 billion … read more
La banca española ocupa la 7º posición entre los entidades más valorados del mundo según el ranking
Para descargar el informe, visite el  link España forma parte del Top 10 de los países con mayor fortaleza de sector bancario y genera el 3% del valor de marca mundial del sector bancario. Un mercado dominado por el valor … read more
Ferrari in Pole Position as World’s Strongest Brand
London - Davos, 22/1/2019 Ferrari accelerates to claim the title of the world’s strongest brand, with a score of 94.8 out of 100 and an AAA+ rating Three of the Big Four brands: Deloitte, PwC, and EY, post an elite … read more
Telstra Rings Up Fourth Consecutive Year as Australia’s Most Valuable Brand
London - Sydney, 22/1/2019 Telstra remains Australia’s most valuable brand despite brand value dropping 7% Retail brands enjoy strong growth in face of online competition with Woolworths’ brand value up 23% Banks struggle to grow brand value in aftermath of … read more
Emirati Brands are Jewel in the Crown of Middle East
London - Abu Dhabi, 22/1/2019 New entrant ADNOC with brand value of US$8.9bn is the Middle East’s most valuable brand Etisalat sets record as first Middle Eastern group to break US$10bn barrier as per its wider portfolio value, retains position … read more
US and India Overpower IT Services Brand Ranking
London - Davos, 22/1/2019 Accenture and IBM swap places at top of IT services brand ranking TCS remains 3rd most valuable IT services brand, value up 23% to US$12.8bn Wipro breaks into top 10, following 25% growth to US$4.0bn View … read more
Amazon rămâne cel mai valoros brand global, iar Ferrari conduce cursa celor mai puternice branduri
București - Davos, 22/1/2019 Ferrari accelerează și devine cel mai puternic brand global, cu un scor de 94.8 din 100, corespunzător unui rating AAA+ Trei dintre brandurile Big Four din consultanță, Deloitte, PwC și EY, au, de asemenea, o forță … read more

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Penny Erricker
Senior Communications Executive
Brand Finance
Florina Cormack-Loyd
Communications Director - North America
Brand Finance
Gayathri Saravana Kumar
Marketing Director - Asia Pacific
Brand Finance

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