Brand Finance has been serving business in China for many years. In 2017, Brand Finance officially established Brand Finance China at the China World Trade Center Tower 3 of Beijing, to provide better services in the Greater China Region (including Mainland China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macau).
We have helped Chinese companies and organisations of all types to connect their brands to their marketing and organisational strategies. Brand Finance China is responsible for the release of the annual China 500 ranking which ranks the strongest and most valuable Chinese brands.
Scott Chen co-founded Brand Finance China where he is currently Managing Director. Brand Finance China specialises in brand valuation and evaluation, - brand architecture, brand investment, brand contribution, brand performance tracking, market research, competitor brands comparison and brand franchise. Our clients consist of state-owned enterprises and private companies in the fields of real estate, energy, airlines, utility, railway stock, insurance, automobile, retails, food & beverage, etc.
自成立始,Brand Finance一直致力于为中国优质企业提供全球顶尖水平的品牌价值评估及咨询服务。2017年Brand Finance在中国正式设立全资控股子公司——品金(北京)咨询服务有限公司,总部位于北京国贸三期。中国公司的设立为Brand Finance在大中华地区(含中国大陆、香港、台湾以及澳门)实现更优质的客户服务提供了保障。
过去几年中,我们帮助各类中国公司实现了品牌价值与营销业绩以及品牌战略与企业战略的高效转化。我们严格遵照ISO 10668与ISO 20671的国际标准,不断深化对本土品牌的价值评估与评价服务工作,三年里实现中国最有价值品牌评选规模的三级跳:从2017年及以前的“100强”增加至2018年的“300强”最终跃升到“Brand Finance 2019年中国最有价值品牌500强榜单”。
陈忆登是Brand Finance中国公司的联合创始人,同时担任公司总裁。公司成立以来,他带领团队为不同规模的国有及私营企业提供了品牌评估、品牌架构、品牌咨询、品牌投资、品牌贡献、品牌绩效跟踪、品牌市场调研、竞争对手品牌对标、品牌特许经营等方面的服务。客户主要为来自能源、房地产、航空、科技创新、公用事业、铁路、银行、保险、汽车、零售以及食品饮料等领域的佼佼者。
F15 China World Tower 3A
Chaoyang District