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El empaquetado neutro pondría en jaque a más sectores según Brand Finance
Los sectores alimentación y bebidas en riesgo si se implementa la legislación El empaquetado neutro pondría en jaque a más sectores según Brand Finance Sólo el sector bebidas perdería 400 mil millones de Euros • Brand Finance ha estimado … read more
More Than $400 Billion at Stake in the Beverage Industry from Plain Packaging
Brand Finance has estimated the potential value loss to businesses at US$430.8 billion if plain packaging is extended to alcohol and sugary drinks worldwide. This represents an almost 50% increase compared with Brand Finance’s 2017 valuation, as brand values grow … read more
Evergrande Grows as World’s Most Valuable and Strongest Real Estate Brand
Evergrande most valuable and strongest real estate brand, brand value breaks US$420 billion mark. Chinese brands dominate taking 20 of 25 top spots Emaar is most valuable outside China, brand value US$2.7 billion CBRE fastest-growing, up 53% to US$2.1 billion … read more
Nokia rings in as Finland’s most valuable and strongest brand
Nokia crowned most valuable and strongest Finnish brand, brand value €8.5 billion Fellow Finnish telecoms brand Elisa sees drop in brand value to €767 million YIT breaks into Brand Finance Finland 10 ranking in 10th position, brand value €439 million … read more
Maersk Rocks Boat to Claim Title of Second Most Valuable Danish Brand
Long-standing leader Lego remains Denmark’s most valuable and strongest brand despite brand value falling 9% Maersk brand value surges 45% to DKK 28.6 billion, moves up ranking to second most valuable Danish brand Mixed results for retail brands: Rema 1000 … read more
Swedbank cashes in as Sweden’s strongest brand amid turbulent times
Swedbank crowned Sweden’s strongest brand, Brand Strength Index (BSI) score 87.7 out of 100 Swedish banks dominate Brand Finance Sweden 50 ranking , 4 banks in top 10 Intrum named fastest-growing, brand value up impressive 71% Alfa Laval highest new … read more
Nestlé Leading the Way as Most Valuable Swiss Brand, Rolex Enters Top 5
View the full Brand Finance Switzerland 50 2019 ranking here Nestlé reigns supreme Once again, Nestlé is Switzerland’s most valuable brand, its brand value increasing by 1% to CHF19.1 billion, according to the latest report by Brand Finance, the world’s … read more
KPN Takes Crown as Strongest Dutch Brand
KPN named strongest Dutch brand, Brand Strength Index (BSI) score 85.2 out of 100 and AAA rating Shell holds on to title as most valuable brand in the Netherlands, increasing 9% to €36.4 billion Despite troubles, KPMG retains second place, … read more

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Penny Erricker
Senior Communications Executive
Brand Finance
Florina Cormack-Loyd
Communications Director - North America
Brand Finance
Gayathri Saravana Kumar
Marketing Director - Asia Pacific
Brand Finance

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