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Le nouvel entrant dans notre classement, TikTok , leader mondial sur le marché des médias sociaux, devient la marque dont la croissance est la plus rapide au monde , avec une hausse de 215% Apple conserve son titre de marque … read more
TikTok é eleita a marca que mais cresce no mundo pelo Relatório Brand Finance Global 500 2022
Nova participante TikTok nomeada a marca de crescimento mais rápido do mundo, até 215%, liderando a revolução global no consumo de mídia Apple mantém a marca mais valiosa do mundo título com avaliação recorde em mais de US$355 bilhões, seguido … read more
Oil Giants Continue to Lead Brand Value Ranking while Etisalat is Middle East and Africa's Strongest Brand
Aramco (US$43.6 billion) remains Middle East’s and Saudi Arabia’s most valuable brand , while fellow oil and gas giant ADNOC (US$12.7 billion) holds on to top spot in UAE Etisalat defends title of region’s strongest brand and claims crown of … read more
Brand Finance Global 500: Mercedes-Benz ist wertvollste Marke Deutschlands
Einzelhandel zieht an: Edeka und Lidl mit dem größten Wachstum im Markenwert aller deutschen Marken London/Hamburg (jm). Mercedes-Benz ist die wertvollste deutsche Marke 2022. Das ergab der Report „Brand Finance Global 500 2022“, in dem jährlich die 500 wertvollsten und … read more
Walmart is America’s Most Popular Brand; US Bank Records Biggest Rise in Popularity
Walmart is most popular brand in US according to Brand Finance BrandBeta US 2021 report , with BrandBeta score of 9.0 out of 10 US Bank has seen biggest popularity increase over past year, with BrandBeta score up by 13% … read more
Buona gestione del Covid, effetto Draghi, europei di calcio e Maneskin hanno fatto decollare il valore economico finanziario del brand Italia e contribuito alle buone prospettive di PIL
Brand Finance Nation Brands 2021, i paesi ordinati per valore economico finanziario originato da immagine & reputazione  Il valore economico finanziario del brand Italia è in forte recupero dopo il crollo registrato lo scorso anno La forte crescita è dovuta … read more
World’s Top Nation Brands on Road to Recovery with Global Brand Value up 7%
Total brand value of top 100 in Brand Finance Nation Brands ranking has grown by 7% year on year, but remains lower compared to pre-COVID-19 levels No movements in top 10, US and China remain in league of own in … read more
Sverige på topp 10-listan över världens starkaste nationsvarumärken
Sverige kvalar in på topp 10-listan och utses till världens nionde starkaste varumärke Schweiz tar titeln som världens starkaste varumärke från Tyskland delvis reflekterat av att befolkningen i flera av världens största ekonomier är missnöjda med hanteringen av COVID-19.  Australien … read more
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Communications Executive
Brand Finance
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Communications Director - Southern Europe & Latin America
Brand Finance
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Communications Director - North America
Brand Finance
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Managing Director
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Communications Director – Asia Pacific
Brand Finance