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Press Releases

La marca México mantiene su valor en tiempos difíciles
· Brand Finance anuncia las marcas país más valiosas de 2017 · La marca México sube dos puestos, con un 15% más que el año anterior · China, marca país en auge; registra el mayor crecimiento en términos absolutos, sube … read more
UAE’s Nation Brand Value Leads the Way in the Middle East
· Brand Finance reveals 100 most valuable nation brands of 2017 · UAE is the strongest, most valuable, and fastest-growing nation brand in the Middle East · China is the fastest growing nation brand in absolute terms, up US$3.1 trillion … read more
Brandul România coboară în clasamentul Brand Finance 2017
· Forța brandului România a scăzut cu 5%, respectiv de la A+ la A · Dominația USA, cel mai valoros brand de națiune, pusă sub semnul întrebării de efectele președinției Trump · China este brandul cu cea mai mare creștere … read more
Game of Thrones Boosts Iceland’s Nation Brand Value
· Brand Finance reveals 100 most valuable nation brands of 2017 · Game of Thrones brings record growth to Iceland, up 83% year on year · Sweden’s nation brand value is the only one to fall in Scandinavia, down 5% … read more
La marca España amenazada por la independencia en Cataluña
· Brand Finance anuncia las marcas país más valiosas de 2017 · La marca España crece un 46% respecto al año pasado con un total de US$1,4 billones · Si hubiera una declaración de independencia, las marcas España y Cataluña … read more
Brand Britain Shows Resilience in the Face of Brexit
· Brand Finance reveals 100 most valuable nation brands of 2017 · Brexit process has little impact on Brand Britain, up 6% year on year · China is the fastest growing nation brand in absolute terms, up US$3.1 trillion · … read more
The Rise of Brand China – Most Valuable Nation Brands Revealed
· Brand Finance reveals 100 most valuable nation brands of 2017 · China is the fastest growing nation brand in absolute terms, up US$3.1 trillion · Brand America’s dominance threatened by stagnation as brand value only grows 2% · Southern … read more
· La classifica di Brand Finance, in partnership con FDI Intelligence-Financial Times, che ogni anno ordina i brand nazione per valore monetario con lo standard ISO 10668. Report completo di metodologia raggiungibile a questo link · Il valore del brand … read more

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Penny Erricker
Communications Executive
Brand Finance
Cristina Campos
Communications Director - Southern Europe & Latin America
Brand Finance
Florina Cormack-Loyd
Communications Director - North America
Brand Finance
Mark Crowe
Managing Director
Andrew Ee
Communications Director – Asia Pacific
Brand Finance