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Press Releases

Top German Brands Could Lose Up to €50 Billion of Brand Value from COVID-19
Top 100 most valuable German brands from Brand Finance Germany 100 2020 ranking stand to lose up to 11% of brand value – over €49 billion – following devasting COVID-19 pandemic Mercedes-Benz retains titles of Germany’s most valuable brand, brand … read more
Cosmetics Brands Likely to Weather COVID-19 Storm
Opportunities for growth within cosmetics industry, which is predicted to suffer only limited loss in brand value from COVID-19, according to latest report by Brand Finance As most valuable, L’Oréal is boosted by digital transformation, up by 13% to US$11.7 … read more
To Rebrand or Not To Rebrand? Rebrands Reduce Risk in Acquisitions by More Than 50%
As the COVID-19 pandemic engulfs the global economy, there are greater growth opportunities from M&A Brand Finance has conducted a global study on the financial effects of rebrands following M&A – analysing 3,000 deals over 5 years Unrebranded acquisitions 56% … read more
Mapfre entre las 100 aseguradoras más valiosas del mundo según Brand Finance
Con un aumento del 14% en el valor de marca, Mapfre es la aseguradora española más valiosa del ranking. Catalana Occidente es la segunda marca que nos representa en el puesto 94. El sector de seguros fuertemente afectado por la … read more
It’s All in the Name: Finlandia Named Finland’s Strongest Brand
Top 25 most valuable Finnish brands from Brand Finance Finland 25 2020 ranking stand to lose up to 11% of brand value following devasting COVID-19 pandemic Nokia retains title of nation’s most valuable brand for 5th consecutive year, brand value … read more
World’s Top 100 Most Valuable Insurance Brands Could Lose up to US$100 Billion from COVID-19
Insurance sector heavily impacted by COVID-19 pandemic, brands could lose up to 20% of brand value, equating to US$100 billion loss Ping An remains by far world’s most valuable insurance brand, brand value US$60.6 billion Chinese brands dominate top 10. … read more
Top Danish Brands Could Lose Up to DKK 35 Billion of Brand Value from COVID-19
Top 50 most valuable Danish brands from Brand Finance Denmark 50 2020 ranking stand to lose up to 12% of brand value – nearly DKK 35 billion – following devasting COVID-19 pandemic Lego retains title of nation’s most valuable and … read more
保险行业受COVID-19新冠肺炎疫情大流行的严重影响,整个行业的品牌价值可能损失高达20%,相当于1000亿美元 平安蝉联全球最有价值的保险品牌,品牌价值达606亿美元 中国品牌在最有价值保险品牌十强榜单中占主导地位,其中太平洋保险在十强中价值增长最快,涨幅高达31% Canada Life品牌价值惊人地增长了688%,在“Brand Finance 2020年全球最有价值保险品牌100强”中排名跃升了72位 Poste Italiane是今年榜单中品牌强度最高的保险品牌,品牌强度指数(BSI)得分高达85.5(满分100) … read more
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